Service Offerings

At VMH, our primary goal is to provide our patients with a variety of beneficial health solutions. And, you may be surprised at the range of comprehensive healthcare services available to you and your family — right here in our community!
Simply put, we’re here for you. To improve patient outcomes and enhance your quality of life, from aquatic therapy to wellness services … and practically everything else in between.
Services Highlight: Nutrition Services
Good nutrition is essential for the health and well-being of our patients and our community. Our team of Food and Nutrition Specialists and Registered Dietitians is committed to providing our inpatients with the highest quality nutrition while in the hospital.
Our Registered Dietitians also offer scheduled consultations for nutrition therapy to aid in treating medical conditions and their associated symptoms through a personalized approach to food as fuel. Break through the nutrition misinformation and contact a VMH Dietitian today!
Nutrition Services