COVID-19 News & Updates

It’s easy to get vaccinated – just schedule an appointment! You may call any VMH clinic and make an appointment to receive COVID-19 vaccinations or boosters. .
- Bland Clinic, Westby: 608-634-3126
- Hirsch Clinic, Viroqua: 608-637-3174
- Kickapoo Valley Medical Clinic, Soldiers Grove: 608-624-5203
- La Farge Medical Clinic: 608-625-2494
APPOINTMENTS ARE MANDATORY! No walk-ins will be accepted. When you call your local VMH clinic to make your appointment, please let the scheduler know which vaccination type you are seeking.
Before you receive your vaccine, you are required to complete the COVID-19 Vaccine Consent Form for Vernon Memorial Healthcare. Please review the document and complete it (if possible) prior to arriving for your appointment: COVID-19 Vaccine Consent Form
Vaccine doses are provided to all patients or community members at no out-of-pocket cost. However, there is an administration fee. The administration fee will be 100% paid by your health insurance plan, Medicare, Medicaid, Employer, or the Federal Government. Please bring your insurance card and/or identification with you to your appointment.
After your vaccine, if you experience any side effects, please document them at and in the v-safe smartphone-based tool (if possible). Learn more at
Due to a grant for rural health clinics, VMH is able to offer at-home COVID-19 tests to the public at no charge. This offer is only while supplies last. Each person in a family is allowed one kit. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, PLEASE DO NOT pick up a kit yourself. Distribution times and locations are as follows:
VMH Clinic locations (Hirsch Clinic in Viroqua, Bland Clinic in Westby, La Farge Medical Clinic in La Farge and Kickapoo Valley Medical Clinic in Soldiers Grove) – during normal clinic/business hours
Due to the number of patients presenting at VMH locations for COVID-19 tests, and our commitment to safely utilizing our resources, VMH will only be testing patients who show PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS. Asymptomatic people needing a COVID-19 test are asked to pursue other testing opportunities.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, an appointment for testing is required. Testing is done at any VMH clinic location during clinic hours.
- If you have MILD symptoms: Call your primary clinic to discuss COVID-19 testing options.
- If you have MODERATE symptoms: Call and make an appointment with a VMH provider near you.
Do not go to the Emergency Department to receive a COVID-19 test UNLESS your symptoms are severe. The Emergency Department is for people with symptoms or injuries needing urgent or emergent care.
If you have NO SYMPTOMS, but have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or need testing for travel or activities: Please pursue COVID-19 testing through another area testing location. Testing information statewide can be found on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website here:
Information from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website regarding local COVID-19 testing locations is below:
Vernon County Health Department. Free community testing at Vernon County Health Department/Erlandson Building Parking Lot, 318 Fairlane Drive, Viroqua. Please pre-register by visiting
La Crosse County Health Department Testing.
517 N Main Street, Viroqua, WI
710 W Wisconsin Street, Sparta, WI
4415 HWY 16, Onalaska, WI
3909 Mormon Coulee Road, LaCrosse, WI
900 W Ave South, LaCrosse, WI
2626 Rose Street, LaCrosee, WI
Appointment required through website.
If you are a resident of a neighboring county, please refer to your local health department for testing options.
Currently, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is recommending that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional dose at least 28 days after the second dose. This includes people who have:
- Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
- Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
- Received a stem cell transplant within the last two years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
- Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
- Advanced or untreated HIV infection
- Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress the immune response
If you feel you are eligible for a third dose, please contact your provider’s office to discuss and/or make an appointment.
Can you mix and match the vaccines?
For people who received either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine series, a third dose of the same mRNA vaccine should be used. A person should not receive more than three mRNA vaccine doses.
What are the risks of vaccinating individuals with an additional dose?
There is limited information about the risks of receiving an additional dose of vaccine, and the safety, efficacy, and benefit of additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine in immunocompromised people continues to be evaluated. So far, reactions reported after the third mRNA dose were similar to that of the two-dose series: fatigue and pain at injection site were the most commonly reported side effects, and overall, most symptoms were mild to moderate.
What should immunocompromised people who received the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine do?
- The FDA’s recent Emergency Use Approval amendment only applies to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, as does the CDC’s recommendation.
- Emerging data has demonstrated that immunocompromised people who have low or no protection following two doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may have an improved response after an additional dose of the same vaccine. There is not enough data at this time to determine whether immunocompromised people who received the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine also have an improved antibody response following an additional dose of the same vaccine.
- Studies regarding additional doses of Johnson & Johnson are ongoing and will determine if and when additional doses are needed.
VMH continues to evolve our COVID-19 precautions to ensure a safe place to work and receive care. We have updated our guidelines for visitors, limiting our visitation policy related to our hospital, clinics, and emergency department.
**Please see the VMH COVID Visitation Policy Document for specific updates in your area of care.
VMH Behavioral Health Medical Director, Dr. Karlstad – Mental Health & COVID-19 (VIDEO)
Managing Stress & Anxiety Related to COVID-19
Wisconsin Department of Health Services offers the following resources if you are feeling overwhelmed or distressed over COVID-19. Distress Line: 1-800-985-5990 or Text “TalkWithUs” to 66746.
What you can do to protect yourself
- Wash your hands frequently.
- If you are sick and do not need care, stay home from school or work and avoid going out in public.
- If you are elderly, or have other medical issues, avoid contact with people who are sick and minimize contact with large groups of people.
What do you do if you are sick or come in contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive
- If you are in need of medical attention and have symptoms above, please call your provider’s office for an appointment.
- If you have mild symptoms, have been in close contact with a COVID positive individual without fabric face covering, please stay home. If you need information from your provider’s office, call and ask to speak with a nurse.
Important Links from Trusted Sources
It is important to access COVID-19 and other important medical information from trusted sources like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), Wisconsin Department of Health Services, your county health department, and health care organization. We’ve supplied some quick links to help you access these trusted sources: