VMH Foundation

Our Mission & Vision

Vernon Memorial Healthcare Foundation connects people in our region to a mission we can all get behind – enhancing accessibility to quality healthcare and wellness for people in the communities served by Vernon Memorial healthcare.  Our donors strengthen the care that VMH provides our communities through their generosity. Founded in 1985, Vernon Memorial Healthcare Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Our Mission

Vernon Memorial Healthcare Foundation is dedicated to developing and supporting the programs, services, facilities and education that enhance the accessibility to quality healthcare and wellness in the communities served by Vernon Memorial Healthcare.

Our Vision

Caring for the Community:
Providing opportunities for innovative care close to home

Enhancing Quality Healthcare:
Funding projects and equipment for Vernon Memorial Healthcare

Educating our Future:
Supporting Education for Health and Wellness Careers

What We Do

Our donors are our partners in increasing the health and wellbeing of people in our region. Through your generosity, we fund special projects for patients at VMH.

  • We educate the next generation of healthcare providers through our scholarship program
  • We support the career aspirations of staff at VMH through internal education and scholarships to continue their education
  • We enrich the lives of patients through providing special initiatives, including programs, testing, products, support, and more
  • We advance the standard of care through providing the latest technology in medical equipment and technology for the VMH hospital, clinics, and service lines

Your gift changes lives and makes an impact in your community.

Ways to Give

A gift to VMH Foundation is an impactful way to make a lasting contribution that improves the health and well-being of others. Just as there are many reasons to give, there are many ways to give. If you have questions on any of these ways to give, please contact Nicole Hall at (608) 637-4374 or NHall@vmh.org to learn more!

  • Donate by mail – VMH Foundation at 507 S Main Street, Viroqua, WI 54665
  • Donate online
  • Donate over the phone by calling (608) 637-4374
  • Make a donation In Honor or In Memory of an individual by mail, online, or by phone. We are happy to pass on a special note to them or their next of kin.
  • Donate stocks or bonds at Donate Stock
  • Donate Bitcoin at Endaoment
  • Make a charitable distribution from your Donor Advised Fund or trust
  • Make an IRA charitable rollover
  • Leave your legacy by making a donation through your planned will or estate giving
  • Host or sponsor a fundraiser and donate the proceeds to VMH Foundation
  • Donate your vehicle (in any condition) at our Cars for Charity, the proceeds will be given to VMH Foundation
  • Make a matching gift with your employer, if they offer matching gifts
  • Direct memorials for a loved one who has passed to VMH Foundation to celebrate their memory and continue our mission
  • If you are an employee of VMH, you can sign up online to make donations via payroll deduction

Recent Projects

When you make a gift to VMH Foundation, 100% of every dollar you give furthers our mission. Each project that we fund
provides updated technology & equipment, education, or enhanced services which enrich the lives of our patients.
Here are some projects funded by VMH Foundation from 2020 – 2023:

  • Stryker Beds for the Hospital
  • Stryker Cots for the Emergency Room
  • Transportable Changing Table for the Pool Therapy program
  • Fluidotherapy Unit for Occupational Therapy
  • Sewing machine for the Occupational Therapy sewing service
  • Upper Body Ergometer for Cardiopulmonary Rehab
  • Mammography Programming for Mammography
  • Perioperative Education for Surgery Nurses
  • Microscope for the Hospital Laboratory
  • Microscopes for the Hospital Clinic
  • Facility updates for the Loan Closet Program
  • Facility updates for the Mammography room
  • Wheelchair extensions for our patients, staff, and volunteers
  • Continuing Education for Physical Therapy
  • Continuing Education for Environmental Services
  • CPR manikins to advance staff and community CPR education
  • Massage chair for employee decompression
  • Strength finder educational materials for students at VMH
  • Bassinet for the Birthing Center
  • Upper Body Ergometer for Physical Therapy
  • Recumbent Cross Trainers for Cardiopulmonary Rehab
  • Bladder Scanner for La Farge Medical Clinic
  • Pelvic Biofeedback Unit for Physical Therapy

The Foundation also supports annual programs, including

  • Reach Out and Read programming at all four VMH clinics
  • Offsetting the costs of the Cardiopulmonary Health Maintenance program for patients in need
  • Programming for the Center for Special Children
  • VMH Foundation & Friends of VMH Scholarship Program

Donations benefit our Greatest Needs Fund, to make an impact where needed most. You can also choose to make a contribution to one of our other funds:

If you are interested in starting a new fund, please connect with Nicole Hall at 608-637-4374 to discuss your options.

Our Board

Vernon Memorial Healthcare is near and dear to most area residents — people who prefer staying close to home to receive quality healthcare. The members of the VMH Foundation Board show gratitude by serving their hospital and community through a commitment to the VMH Foundation. VMH is grateful for their willingness to serve.

If you would like to learn more about serving on the Vernon Memorial Healthcare Foundation board, please review our Board Member Recruitment Packet. We would love to talk with you about your service to the community as a part of this great organization.


Phil Strand, Chair
Vicki Koppa, Vice-Chair
Nick Veglahn, Treasurer
Gary Brunslik, Secretary


Vickie Van Blarcom
Bridgett Madden
Elizabeth Filter
Vicki Banta
Neil Lonergan
Justin Miller
Jana Pedretti
Brian Buening